Wasn't there previous fundraising campaign? What happened with that?
We have been working towards restoration of the steeple and sanctuary for several years
now. One of the biggest obstacles has been the fact that we were unable to locate
architectural drawings of the church building. As historically significant the building and
builder Edward Bailey no drawings or plans of the building were to be found. At one point
we even made contact with a company that did a previous restoration of the building.
Spoke with a gentleman who actually worked on that restoration who remembered Kahu
Esther Campbell. But no drawings to be found. There are probably drawings out there
sitting in a forgotten box, file cabinet or closet. But that didn't help us.
A couple of years ago Jim Neiss of Maui Architectural Group contacted Architects Hawaii
llc. who took on the project of the drawings. The project started off just drawings and
expanded into contract ready specifications. Jim is currently reaching out to some local
contractors with restoration experience to put some real numbers on those specifications.